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BlogWe advise you to place a news or blog page in your shop. This way visitors will come back regularly.

You can find the blog function at Marketing > Blog.

If Blog is not displayed in the menu, first change the user experience level to Advanced, at Settings > User experience level.

Add a message

Click on Add new message.

Set the language of your message. If you have a multilingual shop, you can create a blog for each language.
The title of your message. Think this through. The title has to contain keywords and attract the attention of your visitors.
META description
This short description gets indexed by search engines. Think about keywords!
META keywords
Here you can enter some keywords for search engines.
By adding a photo, you can get the attention of your visitors. For extra visibility in search engines, the photo receives the same name and ALT text as the title of your message.
The news or blog message. If desired, you can add extra photos here. Hint: do not exaggerate with text formatting. Only use titles, paragraphs and photos.
Here you can set if the message is displayed on your website.
Customer feedback
Here you can set if your customers can reply on your message.


When placing your first visible message, a new page Blog is automatically created. This is the page with an overview of your blog messages.

You can edit and optimize this page for search engines with the build-in CMS. For example, you can change "Blog" to "News".

You can also make a new page yourself and insert the [WEBSHOP_BLOG] keyword.

Editing or deleting messages

You can edit or delete a message by clicking the Read more button in the overview. Below you will find the buttons Edit and Delete.

Manage reviews or visitor replies

You can reply on messages placed by your visitors, or you can delete them. Click on the Read more button of the desired message in the overview. Below you will find the feedback of your customers.

Possible problems

Help, my blog is gone!
It's possible that you have deleted the CMS page. You can add a new page and put the keyword [WEBSHOP_BLOG] in the Page content.

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