Customer management

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Customer managementNavigate to Management > Customers. You will see a list of your current customers. The search function at the top allows you to find a specific customer. Click on a customer in the list to view the details.

In the details of a customer, you can see his or her information, see the orders placed and you will get an overview of the total sum of all orders. With the printer icon below you can print all this data.

Customers are only shown in the customer list if they have an account. An order with the guest checkout procedure will not create a new customer account.

Adding a new customer

Click New Customer. Enter the details of the customer and click Save. Make sure that the email address is correct.

Your customer now receives an email asking to confirm his or her account and to set a password.

Customer groups

Navigate to Management > Customer groups. You now see an overview of your customer groups.

  • At the bottom of the page you can add a new customer group. Enter the name and click Add.
  • Delete customer groupClick the Delete icon in the list of customer groups to remove a customer group.

To put a customer in a customer group: navigate to Management > Customers and select the customer you want to put in a customer group. You will see the details of the customer. Select the customer group and click Save.

Blocking or refusing a customer

Check the Denied checkbox and click Save. The denied customer can not log into his account on your shop and can no longer place orders.

Deny customer

Deleting a customer

Down on the details of a customer you can find the Delete button to remove the customer. Test customers can always be immediately removed from the system. A customer can also remove his or her own account: you will receive an email notification if this happens.

Deleting a customer cannot be undone: the customer will have to create a new account.

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